Why is hydration important during exercise

Do we drink enough water?

Most of my clients don’t. And I can assure you that if I don’t put a full bottle of water on my desk there is a good chance I won’t drink enough water either!

Water is involved in every function of the body and is considered an essential nutrient, not only does it help you feel better, energetic, prevent migraines, and constipation, it also flushes out toxins and clears up your skin.

Start your day with a large glass of water and add freshly squeezed lemon juice for its vitamins and electrolytes content (lemon contains a small amount of calcium, potassium, magnesium & sodium).

By drinking plenty of water, you make sure your cells look like a plump grape rather than a shrunk sultana. As a basic rule, we should aim for a minimum of 6 glasses of water a day. But you should drink more water if you exercise.

Remember, if you are slightly dehydrated your performance will decline.

Eating a healthy nutrient-dense diet rich in fruits and vegetables will help you get all the nutrients you need, especially the electrolytes you lose when you exercise and sweat (the levels of electrolytes are important to maintain homeostasis in your body ).

When you exercise:

Hydrate before, during and after activities:

  • Make sure you start a competition fully hydrated.
  • Drinking water and eating a healthy diet help replenish fluids and electrolytes.
  • Sports drinks are often loaded with glucose which might be counterproductive if you want to lose weight

Instead of buying sports drinks, why not be creative and make your own by using some of the following ingredients:

  • Unsweetened coconut water
  • Lemon & lime
  • Pineapple
  • Watermelon
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Celery
  • Fresh mint
  • Ginger

Personally, I love unsweetened coconut water, paired with a splash of lemon juice, topped with some fresh mint.

About the Author

Huguette Lelong is a Nutritionist & Food Lover, Founder of Huguette Lelong Healthy Life.

  • Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Medicine – Nature Care College Sydney – Australia
  • Nutritionist Resources UK (Member)
  • Holistic Health Practitioner (AADP)
  • Scientific institute for intelligent Nutrition Academy (Member)

Photo by Anna Lachlan Photography